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How (not) to win friends

I see DC managed to infuriate the Lithuanians through a rather crass remark over the weekend.

On the one hand it seems a bit petty to get cross, but on the other there are 100,000 Lithuanians who Cameron clearly thinks are a bunch of layabout dole scroungers.

In fact they are mostly hard working, church going types.

Judging by this letter, they may have a sense of humour too:

"Dear Editor,

I see that David Cameron has suggested that one legged Lithuanian lesbians should not receive lottery or Arts Council grants.

I am pretty surprised that such bias can be openly expressed by a British Political leader in this day and age.

Admittedly, no one in the 100,000 strong Lithuanian community currently resident in the UK is aware of any one legged lesbians amongst us.

However, we are sure that should such a person exist and they had the relevant artistic talent then they would receive their grant based on the same criteria that a one legged lesbian Conservative would, namely through the quality of their work.

Lithuanians in the UK are often well qualified and working at the highest levels. Amongst our small business people is an exceptional group of hard working entrepreneurs- we are not the kind of people who ask for hand-outs, no matter how they may be deserved under your system. Indeed most of us during our stay do try to contribute to our host nation, through a myriad of church and community groups.

Perhaps Mr. Cameron should pay a visit to our beautiful country, where he will find one legged folk to be pretty rare, but where artists and performers are of exceptional quality even without the support of the British Arts Council.


Denis Serebriakovas"

Touche, Mr. Cameron...


Anonymous said…
Hmm I seem to recall you thinking that Poles who chose to make their homes here permanently were guilty of inertia. Et tu Consul...

Anonymous said…
Mention of Lithuania puts me in mind of a friend of mine.
Anonymous said…
"Serebriakov-as", eh? Doesn't sound particularly Lithuanian to me.

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