The woman on the right is the former Prime Minister of Canada, Avril Phaedra Douglas "Kim" Campbell. The man on the left is the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, James Gordon Brown. Both succeeded extremely successful and charismatic leaders, Tony Blair and Brian Mulroney respectively. Both were committed student politicians and pioneers in their respective Universities. Both had strong roots in their local politics- BC and Scotland respectively and both took with them some of the attitudes of their local politics to their respective national capitals which made them unpopular in the country at large. Both struggled to cope with the constitutional mess that their predecessors had created: the failure of the Meech Lake accord for Campbell, the incomplete transformation of the UK into a Federation for Brown. Both had a tin ear for what the country was asking of them and both faced economic crises. despite leading the most successful political machines of their...
Musings on World events from the perspective of a Social and an Economic Liberal.