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Russia: Defying the laughter of tyrants

I have spent an emotional day with Georgians.

"My best friend- I have known him since he was six- is in the artillery in Gori. I do not know if he is dead or alive".

"The lines are down, I don't know where my family is"

Make no mistake -this was a war of Russia's choosing.

As the government of Georgia make a stand in the compound in Tbilisi, Russian troops have roamed at will across the country.

The defeat is complete, but Russia continues to pretend that Georgia fights on.

The latest nonsense is "Georgian agents are creating terrorist incidents in Russia". Only someone educated with the tin ear of the Stalinist could think that anyone beyond themselves could believe such a complete lie.

In my opinion, Russia can no longer be treated as anything but what she has become: a treacherous aggressor, contemptuous of human life.

People in the West are wringing their hands and saying "but what can we do- surely nothing?"

Do Russian spies not function with impunity? Expel them.
Is investment going to Russia? Stop it.
Is technology going to Russia? Ban it.
Do Russians enjoy shopping in the West- no visas.
Russian cyber attacks? Close the Russian Internet access to the outside world, as it is reopened, close it again, and again- replicate the cyber attacks they launched against Georgia (oh, and NATO, last year).
Does Russia like i-phones? No export of any technology.
Does Russia wish to join WTO? Stop it
Are they members of the "G-8"? No, you mean G-7.
Abrogate all military treaties including START.
EBRD and EIB investments in Russia? Suspend them.
No most favoured nation status- extra tariffs on Russian exports.
Russia craves respectability? Deny it- it is a thuggish third rate power- it will be hurt by a concerted boycott- so hurt it!

Do not panic about the gas- Qatar has more, and Russia has no one else they can sell it to in the face of a boycott- they are as dependent on us as we are on them.

What can you do personally? Why not ask your pub to boycott Baltika? As for Stolichnaya- Polish Wodka is better tasting anyway- Ask for Belveder (Belwederska), or Poctocki.

Please feel free to add any further ideas.


Anonymous said…
Well said. Georgian democracy is being bled to death by Russia. I’m amazed that people are parroting the Chamberlain line “a far away country…”. It’s the Sudetenland all over again, stand up to Russia now, painful as it may be, or pay a terrible price later.
the doctor said…
Cicero , You are usually on the ball with your insights but I regret that your list of possible remedies is a none starter . I am sure that they could all be implemented but they will not be , for the will is not there to .
Anonymous said…
Flood Georgia with weapons useful for asymetric warfare: stingers, anti-tank weapons, torpedos for the Russian navy, IEDs. Yesterday!!! Do it thru Turkey or via an airlift if necessary. Send letters to the President and congress requesting a Charlie Wilson strategy towards a friendly democratic ally. We did it for the thugs in Afghanistan, we can do it for a freedom-loving people.
Anonymous said…
Do Russian spies not function with impunity? Expel them.

- And when they come back? Did 1971 solve that problem.

Is investment going to Russia? Stop it.

- China will fill the gap especially for Oil. See Africa.

Is technology going to Russia? Ban it.

- They'll just steal it. They've also got useful scientists themselves.

Do Russians enjoy shopping in the West- no visas.

- Macau and the Far east have good shopping plazas.

Russian cyber attacks? Close the Russian Internet access to the outside world, as it is reopened, close it again, and again- replicate the cyber attacks they launched against Georgia (oh, and NATO, last year).

- Endless cyber war for eternity. besides you neeed to close every opening. You think China will help.

Does Russia like i-phones? No export of any technology.

I bet that'll have them quaking and when they buy from the Far east what then.

Does Russia wish to join WTO? Stop it

- I think they'll manage somehow.

Are they members of the "G-8"? No, you mean G-7.

- That'll get co-operation on Iran won't it.

Abrogate all military treaties including START.

- They're already doing that their side. Your idea means short range nuclear weapons back in Kaliningrad.

EBRD and EIB investments in Russia? Suspend them.

- With a huge surplus Oil fund and China's insatiable appetite I don't think they'll miss too much sleep perhaps.

No most favoured nation status- extra tariffs on Russian exports.
Russia craves respectability? Deny it-

- Their main export is energy which doesn't need MFT status.

it is a thuggish third rate power- it will be hurt by a concerted boycott- so hurt it!

- Thuggish yes. Third rate? This is not the 1990's. I suggest you read Simon Sebag Monteforoi in the Times. The big bear is back. Your impotent rage doesn't change any of that sadly.

Anonymous said…
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