Perhaps to my surprise the Church of Scotland has indeed upheld the appointment of Rev Scott Rennie as the Minister of Queen's Cross Aberdeen.
It is a vindication of Scott and the dignified way he has conducted himself.
It is a vindication of Scott and the dignified way he has conducted himself.
The next steps, I suppose, are to allow the decision of the Kirk to sink in and to prove to those who think that the decision is wrong, that Rev. Rennie can work to heal the damage that this unfortunate affair has created.
I know that Scott will try hard to work to bridge the gap, in as far as he is able to do so.
I hope that those who have disagreed with his appointment can now accept that much goodwill will be needed to avoid further damage to the reputation of the Kirk.
However I do add my congratulations to Scott and his loyal congregation after what must have been a very trying time.