OK- my take on Bromley. The Tories tactics were naive and the had a very poor candidate who committed a series of blunders throughout the campaign (and afterwards- his acceptance speech was very ill judged). If the question is only one of tactics, then the Tories should not be too worried. But it is not just tactics. It is strategy they should be worried about. Cameron is just not convincing as a cuddly greenie Consider the only policies that he as actually put forward: "leave the EPP and become even more Eurosceptic" "support the Iraq Occupation and support for the war" "maybe more nuclear power is a good thing" "more Trident is definitely a good thing" The fact is that Cameron is now quite vulnerable to the charge that he is putting forward an image that is all hype, and the reality is that he is just an old fashioned Tory. He is vulnerable to this charge because it is probably true. Meanwhile the Liberal Democrats have actually started a proce...
Musings on World events from the perspective of a Social and an Economic Liberal.