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The strange death of the Labour Party

So many things going on in the markets... and even as the North Korean regime tries to start a war, the Spanish banks fall to pieces, the Greek economy falls into smaller pieces, yet still the death throes of the Labour Party attract my attention.

Oooo... Please, please: choose a Miliband, no!

I so want the Labour Party dead.

These are identikit professional politicians - bloodless, passionless and unprincipled, they represent why the Labour Party lost its soul the day they chose Tony Blair as its "leader". That discount Caudillo trampled any basic principle that the Socialist Party ever had (although as a fairly fierce anti-Socialist, I can't say he was exactly wrong). Now Labour want to choose either the clumsy Tweedledee of thoughtless me too-ism or the doltish Tweedledum of thoughtless opportunism. They think that the Coalition will eventually fold and that then they can sweep in triumph back to the power from which they have been temporarily excluded...

Err.. The Coalition has not simply put the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives into government, it has put the Liberal view of the constitution into power. This was something that only ever had to happen once. The accountability of greater freedom, the openness of a more powerful franchise: all of these are part of the programme that Her Majesty The Queen outlined today. The Labour Party has no answers. They think that the game is still the same.

But it is not.

Labour not only face the more than 60% of the population that voted for the coalition parties. They face a completely different political game.

Labour might retreat into populism: greater restrictions on immigration, more invasions against the free market, more anti-Europeanism, but the fact is that the balance that the coalition is striking is about right: Labour will either look extremist or, even worse, simply wrong. Even if they simply continue to plough the furrow of Blair-Brownism, the battle has moved to a different field.

So: the question emerges: How do they oppose?

Actually, the answer in those terms is simple: They should choose Diane Abbot. Only she has the popular touch. She has warmth and charm. She is bright and so clearly not a product of the political machine.

Such a total contrast to the bloodless Milibands.

But Labour won't touch her.

"Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad"


Newmania said…
Well for good or ill you are certainly right that this feels like something quite new

I have been impressed with the Lib Dems in power thus far .David Laws in particular.
Cicero said…
Quite an admission, given the way we crossed swords in the past, Newmania. I, in turn, must offer a generous admission, that I was wrong about David Cameron too. The point is that the coalition has turned out- as we in the Lib Dems certainly hoped- to be more than the sum of the parts... if the nutters amongst the excluded Tories can be kept under control, this could be the best government in nearly 100 years.

Heaven knows, our country needs it..
G Eagle Esq said…
N'mania " .... I have been impressed by the Lb Dems ..."

Cicero ".... I was wrong about David Cameron too ..."

Salve, Magister Cicero

I flatter myself that I agree with you and the incisive Magistro Newmania on so many things

.... apart of course on whether Tenterden should be towed into the North Sea and sunk to form a Breakwater protecting the Norfolk Coast from the erosions of the Sea & Socialism

AND I hope that your (plural) optimisms prove to be vindicated

BUT the Night is Young .....

We have seen only a minimal gesture towards the massive reductions required in State-Over-Spending

AND INDEED we must not forget the wisdoms of our Roman Ancestors :



Aquila non Candida
Newmania said…
I don`t see it quite that way , its an interesting subject , but I share your enthusiasm overall
Left Lib said…
Hang on. I thought THIS government was going to pass populist policies on immigration?
Indeed, isn't it David Cameron who is now in thrall to the previous New Labour Rupert Murdoch?
It is clear that the reason that you want Labour to die is that you don't like it. However that in itself is the not reason that will cause Labour to die, should it in fact do so.
It was the Liberal Democrats who supported the nationalisation of Northern Rock, before even Labour managed it. It is nice to have socialism as an option when all else fails.
Ian R Thorpe said…
I too would have loved to see Diane Abbott in with a decent shout. But of course she never had a chance. I wonder if her candidacy was simply a ploy to prove to skeptics that a smooth succession for New Labour's aointed one was being orchestrated by the Prince Of Darkness Peter M.

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